Sleeve to SADI

If your journey with a Gastric Sleeve has plateaued or you’re facing challenges, transitioning to a SADI-S revision may offer the results you’re seeking. Under the expert care of trusted bariatric surgery SADI duodenal switch expert in Austin and Cedar Park, Texas Dr. Sashi Ganta, we focus on optimizing your health outcomes and achieving sustainable weight loss.

What is Conversion from Gastric Sleeve to SADI duodenal switch?

A Progressive Step to Enhanced Weight Management

The conversion from a Gastric Sleeve to SADI-S at Nuself involves modifying and revising the existing sleeve and adding a single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass to significantly improve metabolism and reduce the length of the intestine absorbing calories. This revision is designed for individuals who need further intervention to achieve their weight loss goals or to address metabolic conditions and achieve long term success. It combines the benefits of sleeve gastrectomy with intestinal bypass, offering a powerful solution for sustained weight loss and health improvement.

How is the Sleeve to SADI Revision Performed?

Advanced Sleeve to Sadi Revision in Austin and Cedar Park

In the Sleeve to SADI revision, in most practices, the previously created gastric sleeve is kept intact while a portion of the small intestine is bypassed. However at Nuself we believe in no compromise approach to maximize results and longevity. Therefore Dr. Ganta revises the gastric sleeve in most cases to create more restriction along with the Sadi duodenal switch. The procedure reroutes the small intestine to a loop of ileum, significantly reducing the absorptive surface and enhancing weight loss and metabolic effects. Performed using laparoscopic or robotic techniques, this procedure minimizes recovery time and maximizes the safety and effectiveness of the revision.

Is Sleeve to SADI Conversion Right for You?

Sadi duodenal switch is one of the most successful revision procedures

If you are experiencing suboptimal weight loss, weight regain, or metabolic issues after your initial Gastric Sleeve surgery, conversion to SADI may be an appropriate next step. At Nuself, our extensive experience in Sleeve to SADI revisions ensures that you receive a comprehensive evaluation, including a Ugi X-ray evaluation of the sleeve and a personalized surgical plan. We consider your weight loss history, current health status, and personal goals to determine the suitability of this successful revision option.

The Nuself Difference in Sleeve to SADI Conversion

Exceptional Care with Proven Results
  • Experienced Surgeon: Dr. Ganta is highly skilled in the intricacies of Sleeve to SADI revisions, ensuring a seamless and effective transition. We believe in a no compromise approach and therefore unlike most surgeons Dr. Ganta revises the sleeve simultaneously with the Sadi duodenal switch.
  • Personalized Approach: We understand the complexity of your journey. Our team is dedicated to providing a tailored and meticulous approach to maximize your weight loss and health outcomes, ensuring the Sleeve to SADI conversion is a definitive step towards your goals.

Life After Conversion to SADI

Renewed Focus on Health and Vitality

Post-conversion, our comprehensive support system includes detailed nutritional counseling, lifestyle modification strategies, and continuous medical monitoring. We commit to guiding you through the necessary adjustments to diet, activity, and lifestyle to ensure the success of your SADI revision and the enhancement of your overall well-being.

Sleeve to SADI Before & After Gallery Images


Frequently Asked Questions

Informed and Prepared for a New Beginning

Success and Longevity

The Sleeve to SADI conversion has shown to be very effective long term for individuals needing additional weight loss or metabolic control.

Adapting to Change

Change is a journey, and we’re here every step of the way. We provide the support and resources you need to adapt confidently and successfully to life after SADI.

Dietary Adjustments

Your dietary habits will change post-SADI. Our team provides extensive guidance to help you adapt to a healthier, balanced diet suited to your new digestive configuration.

Understanding Risks

We discuss all potential risks associated with the Sleeve to SADI conversion and employ strategies to minimize these risks, ensuring your safety and confidence in the procedure.

Anticipated Weight Loss

Generally, patients experience very significant and sustained weight loss post-conversion. We will discuss what you can expect based on your specific circumstances at the consultation. Sadi results at Nuself may exceed 85-90% excess weight loss.

Recovery and Aftercare

Comprehensive Support for a Smooth Transition

Recovery from a Sleeve to SADI conversion typically involves overnight hospital stay and one to 2 weeks of recovery at home. Our dedicated team offers a detailed aftercare plan, including follow-up appointments, dietary support, and ongoing monitoring to ensure a smooth and successful transition to your new lifestyle.

Financing Your Sleeve to SADI duodenal switch in Austin and Cedar Park

Transparent and Compassionate Financial Counseling

We provide clear information on the costs involved in converting from a Gastric Sleeve to SADI and assist with insurance queries or provide details on our comprehensive and fully inclusive self-pay program options, financing, and payment plans.

Insurance coverage can vary, and many patients qualify. The insurance team at Nuself has helped thousands of patients successfully navigate the insurance process.

Self pay: For patients that do not have insurance coverage for bariatric surgery, we provide comprehensive and affordable self pay packages, financing options and payment plans that include the procedure, anesthesia, hospital fees, aftercare services for 5 years, support groups, and included Aesthetic treatments and Aesthetic program memberships – providing an all-inclusive approach.

Many consider the cost of self-pay surgery as an investment in long-term health, wellness and longevity with significant improvements in overall well-being and quality of life. Studies have shown the cost of bariatric surgery is recouped by various cost savings in 2-3 years in most people.

Dedicated to Your Ongoing Success

Continued Commitment to Your Health Journey

At Nuself, our commitment doesn’t end with the procedure. We’re dedicated to your continued success and well-being, offering ongoing support, care, and guidance to ensure you achieve and maintain your health and weight loss goals post-conversion.

Embrace a Healthier Future

Consider the conversion from Gastric Sleeve to SADI as a definitive step towards achieving your health and weight loss objectives. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can support your transformation with Nuself.

Providers Who Perform Sleeve to SADI

Dr. Sashidhar Ganta

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Dr. Jack Juprasert

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