
If you’re looking for a non-surgical alternative to a facelift or neck lift, FaceTite™ may be perfect for you. This revolutionary procedure uses radiofrequency energy for stunning facial rejuvenation and skin tightening. Embrace a youthful glow and a contoured face and neck without the need for surgery—FaceTite™ is your simple path to timeless beauty!

What is Facetite?

FaceTite Facial Contouring is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that utilizes advanced radiofrequency technology to tighten skin, contour the face, and reduce signs of aging. This revolutionary treatment targets sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles, delivering natural-looking results without the downtime associated with traditional surgical procedures.

  • Facial Contouring
  • Jawline Definition and Chin Sculpting
  • Neck Tightening and Jowls
  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Cheek Lift and Improvement of Facial Contour
  • Nasolabial Folds

The Science of FaceTite: How it Works at NuSelf?

At NuSelf Bariatrics, FaceTite Facial Contouring is meticulously crafted to elevate your natural beauty. Our expert team, led by Dr. Ganta and Dr. Jack Juprasert, employs this innovative procedure to restore youthful facial features and reverse the signs of aging.

The procedure involves inserting a tiny probe beneath the skin, delivering heat energy to stimulate collagen production and tighten the underlying tissues. Through the expertise of professionals like Dr. Ganta and Dr. Jack Juprasert, patients at NuSelf can enjoy the confidence of knowing their facial contouring needs are expertly handled, nurturing a rejuvenated appearance and a boost in self-confidence.

Advantages with FaceTite

  • Non-Invasive: Be worry-free with FaceTite’s non-invasive approach with quick and easy recovery
  • Natural-Looking Results: Achieve a refreshed and natural appearance, restoring a youthful appearance.
  • Minimal Downtime: Experience the benefits of facial rejuvenation with minimal to no downtime.
  • Collagen Stimulation: Stimulate collagen production for long-lasting, youthful skin.
  • Single treatment session: No need for multiple sessions.

Expertise in Focus: Dr. Ganta and Dr. Juprasert

With a wealth of experience, Dr. Ganta brings a keen eye for detail and a commitment to achieving natural, harmonious results. Trust NuSelf Bariatrics and Aesthetics for transformative care under his unparalleled leadership. Patients can trust his expertise to guide them through the FaceTite journey with precision and care.

Facetite Before & After Gallery Images


Consultation Process

  • Initial Consultation: Begin your journey with a personalized discussion to understand your unique concerns and goals.
  • Detailed Discussion: Engage in a thorough conversation with our experts, ensuring we comprehend your specific needs.
  • Face and Skin Examination: Our team carefully assesses your face, skin, and supporting structures to identify areas of focus.
  • Customised Treatment Plan: Based on the examination and your goals, we craft a tailored treatment plan designed just for you.

Experience the simplicity of our consultation process at NuSelf Bariatrics and Aesthetics, where your beauty goals become our priority. Book your initial consultation today.

Recovery and Aftercare at NuSelf

At NuSelf, we prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout every step of your journey, including the recovery and aftercare process after FaceTite Facial Contouring. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring a smooth and supportive experience post-procedure.

  • Anticipate minimal downtime as your skin undergoes a healing process. Our team will provide clear expectations, guiding you through the post-procedure phase.
  • Receive comprehensive instructions from our staff on post-treatment care to optimize healing. Any potential discomfort is addressed with personalized pain management guidance, ensuring your comfort is a priority.
  • Stay connected with NuSelf through scheduled follow-up appointments. Our experts will monitor your progress, answer any questions, and ensure your satisfaction with the results.

Trust NuSelf for a recovery and aftercare experience designed with your well-being in mind. Your journey to enhanced beauty is not just a procedure; it’s a personalized, supportive partnership with our caring team.

Nuself Medspa Membership

Please enquire with our staff or text us for details on membership packages.


Book A Consultation With Us

Take the first step towards a more youthful you. To transform your appearance with NuSelf, schedule your consultation today and let us guide you on your path to natural beauty and confidence. Your journey to radiant, youthful skin starts here.

Providers Who Perform Facetite

Dr. Sashidhar Ganta

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Dr. Jack Juprasert

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