Jun 9th, 2023

How Much Weight Can I Lose With a Sleeve Gastrectomy?

Starting your weight loss journey can be daunting. While the pounds might fall off with exercise and a healthy diet for some, others might need a little help to reach their goals.

For those needing that extra help, sleeve gastrectomy could be a solution to consider.

At NuSelf Bariatrics in Austin and Cedar Park, Texas, Dr. Sashidhar Ganta is renowned for his expertise in performing this procedure. As a highly trained professional, he supports you in your weight loss journey, applying a personalized approach to provide the best possible care.

In this article, he breaks down what exactly sleeve gastrectomy is and how much weight you can lose.

What is sleeve gastrectomy?

A sleeve gastrectomy is a type of bariatric surgery used to decrease the size of your stomach. By doing this, the surgery naturally restricts the quantity of food you can comfortably consume, reducing your calorie intake and boosting weight loss.

During a sleeve gastrectomy, we surgically remove a substantial portion of your stomach, leaving behind a banana-shaped tube or “sleeve.” This resulting smaller stomach limits your food intake and reduces the production of the hunger-triggering hormone – ghrelin.

How much weight can you lose?

If you are considering a sleeve gastrectomy as expected, you may wonder how much weight you can expect to lose from the procedure. While the answer varies from person to person, it’s always substantial.

On average, people who opt for this procedure lose about 60 to 70 percent of their excess weight within two years following the surgery. For instance, if you’re about 100 pounds overweight, you can expect to lose between 60 to 70 pounds.

It’s crucial to bear in mind that these numbers are averages. Individual outcomes can fluctuate based on age, starting weight, commitment to dietary guidelines, and regular exercise.

What to expect from the procedure

The period leading up to the surgery involves several preparatory steps. You undergo a thorough medical evaluation and begin a pre-operative diet to reduce the size of your liver and lower any surgical risks.

The surgery, performed under general anesthesia, lasts about one to two hours. Afterward, you spend a few days in the hospital, so we can monitor you through recovery.

After the surgery, your new life begins. You start with a liquid diet, gradually introducing solid foods under our guidance. We also ask you to come in for regular follow-ups with Dr. Ganta.

Adjustments to your eating habits and commitment to regular exercise continue to play a critical role in your weight loss journey.

Sleeve gastrectomy can be remarkable for weight loss when conventional methods fall short. However, while the procedure can lead to significant weight loss, maintaining these results over the long term requires a commitment to lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet and regular exercise.

If you believe sleeve gastrectomy could be your path to a healthier life, don’t hesitate to contact us at NuSelf Bariatrics by calling our office or using our online booking feature. We guide you through the process, consider your unique circumstances, and help you make the best decision for your health and weight loss goals.